Principal’s Welcome
This is what makes us such a special learning community.
Welcome to 91¸£Àû´óÈ«, the school of choice in our local community.
Our learning community was established in 1964 and has an outstanding record of achievement. It has an excellent reputation for providing an academic learning environment resulting in a high proportion of our students gaining entrance to tertiary education institutions.
Our Vision
‘91¸£Àû´óÈ« is a proudly diverse learning community where everyone is empowered to strive for growth and excellence.’
91¸£Àû´óÈ« is an inclusive school. We affirm values which promote and foster the dignity of the individual and positive relationships. We are deeply committed to improving the school and community environment and are involved in social justice issues at a state, national and global level. Positive student, parent/carer and staff relationships are highly valued. The college emphasises the importance of ‘Community, Choice and Engagement’.
We strive to achieve our vision through the establishment of an ordered and nurturing environment that:
- sets high expectations
- develops confident learners with the skills, knowledge and attributes to reach their intellectual, social and personal potential
- promotes participation and engagement in learning within a supportive and caring environment
- establishes strong community relationships in a climate of mutual trust and respect
- fosters a culture where enthusiastic and highly skilled staff feel supported, motivated and committed to providing the best educational outcomes for all of our students
- delivers a broad range of curricular and co-curricular programs that rigorously prepare students for all post school pathways using agreed high quality practice.
Our Values
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Our co-educational setting has a unique Junior Campus for Years 7 and 8 students and a Senior Campus for Years 9 to 12. The college has enrolments of approximately 1800 students and is an established learning community, recognised locally, nationally and internationally for transforming teaching and learning culture. Our students have access to an extensive curriculum and co-curricular activities that offers an opportunity for enhancement and support, underpinned by the three drivers of community, choice and engagement.
Our Purpose
Is to provide a quality 21st Century education that develops each individual’s potential to shape their future and contribute positively to their community.